WE support charitable and not-for-profit organisations in brighton and hove.
Local Organisation Application Form
We particularly invite applications for funding from local organisations involved in community projects and work with disadvantaged people in our city.
Donations are generally in the region of £500 to £5,000 although, occasionally, larger donations may be considered. A detailed breakdown of how any money would be spent is extremely helpful. It is important to demonstrate in your application how the money for which you are applying would have a long-term, broad reaching and positive impact on people living in Brighton and Hove.
We do not give funding to businesses or for-profit organisations. We tend not to give money for professional fees. Please note - as we already have a number of long-term partnerships with arts organisations the city, we are not seeking to support further arts-based projects at this time.
There are three application deadlines each year - in February, June and October. Your application will be considered at the next meeting of trustees and you will be informed as to the result by email. The next deadline for applications is Friday 13th June 2025. Donations to successful applicants are made via BACS payment.
Successful applicants may apply for repeat funding after one year, subject to the provision of a detailed report on how the trust's donation has been used.
We reserve the right to decline applications without reason. While the Pebble Trust will treat information provided as strictly confidential, no responsibility is accepted in this regard.