Grants can be used to pay for lessons, the cost of attending training or competitions, sports and musical equipment or whatever else is needed for a talent to flourish.
Applicants must live in Brighton and Hove. NB - due to the extremely high numbers of applications we have been receiving in recent years, all applicants who have not previously received a grant must be aged between 13 and 18 at the time of application. Unfortunately, we cannot give grants to applicants over the age of 19
The application, if at all possible, should be completed by the applicant themselves rather than by a parent. Each application must be accompanied by a supporting statement from a teacher or mentor. (NB – we prefer the supporting statement to come from an individual who does not stand to gain financially from an applicant’s award).
We’ll ask you about your talent, your achievements to date, why you need the award and exactly how you would use the money. Money cannot be sent directly to an applicant – BACS payments are usually made to a school, college or other organisation to be held in account for the applicant’s use. Prior to sending in your application form, please check with the relevant finance department that they would be willing to administer the funds.
When deciding which applicants are to be successful, the trustees look first and foremost for outstanding talent. Dedication, potential, financial/personal circumstances and overall quality of application are also taken into account. Applicants already in receipt of some form of funding (grants, awards, school scholarships and bursaries) may be less likely than others to receive grants. We reserve the right to decline applications without reason.
Successful applicants may reapply for a further grant after twelve months, a maximum of one grant per year. In the case of repeat applications, preference will be given to grant recipients who have kept The Pebble Trust regularly updated with their news and progress, and who have helped promote the trust.
All applications will be treated as confidential and no publicity will be given to an award or to a successful applicant’s subsequent progress without the consent of the applicant and, where applicable, his or her parent(s).
Grants are given out in January and July
The next deadline is Friday11th July 2025
We look forward to hearing from you.
Lukas, Cyclist
Lukas is a Junior National Level Road Cyclist. He’s had a number of successes recently, including coming third in the national hill climb championships and winning a stage of the Junior Tour of Yorkshire, one of the biggest races in the UK. For the past two summers, Lukas has used his talent grant to train and compete with a cycling team in Spain.
Ana, Writer
Ana, a pupil at Varndean School, won her section of The One Show's 'As You Write It' playwriting competition. Her winning entry, Nectarine, a play about gender identity, will be performed at the Shakespeare North Playhouse next year! She’s also a talented actor and is using her talent grant to continue with her performing arts training.
Amelie and Lucia, Dancers
Amelie and Lucia have been dancing since they were toddlers and have recently been accepted into the Masters Programme at A2 Arts Performing Arts Academy. In addition, they have been very involved in dance at their primary school, St Bernadette’s, where they have also turned their hand to choreography and teaching routines to their classmates.
The trust has helped me buy and update my equipment so I have a fighting chance in competition. Without the trust's support, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
"The Pebble Trust's continuous and generous support throughout my school years hugely aided my musical development. Without their support, I am not sure I would be where I am now.”