Further Donation to Amaze
Amaze works directly with young people with SEND and their parent carers, helping them to navigate and access health, education and social care services to achieve the best outcomes for each young person and their family. Young people with SEND are at high risk of social exclusion and isolation, due to a lack of specialist support and services in the local community. Mainstream leisure activities may be too busy and noisy for those with autism or sensory issues. Sadly, young people with SEND more likely to experience discrimination and bullying. This means that they are likely to spend the majority of their free time inactive and isolated at home, with only their immediate family for company. They’re also less likely to be in education, employment or training than their non-disabled peers, and more likely to live in poverty. Amaze have set up their ‘Amazing Futures’ service which helps prepare young people for their transition to adulthood. Activities include social groups and peer support, help claiming disability benefits, a careers and employment advice service and youth voice forums.